Thursday, October 6, 2011

Applications and Anatomy

This semester has blown my mind. The AMCAS application was a beast. I still have one letter of recommendation on the way. . . .Ugh. Ready for secondaries. Ready to know where my life is leading me.

Anatomy. Gross Anatomy makes me want to crawl under a rock and cry. SO hard. SO much information. SO much to learn in a short period of time. I spend so much time studying that I rarely see my family.  This past week I was gone every night until late. These late nights make me wonder if I made the right decision trying to go back to school to be a doctor when I have three kids. And then I wonder - if you become a doctor first WHEN do you have the kids? ugh. There's no really easy answer. I know in my heart that I will never regret spending 10 years at home with my angels. I know that I would not have been a stay-at-home mom with a doctorate. And i know that in the end I will get the best of both worlds - a demanding career AND that time with my babies.

But sometimes it is so HARD.

1 comment:

  1. awe :-(
    praying it gets easier so you can spend sometime with your sweet girls
