Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Break!

Today marks Day 1 of my break. :) I have 6 days until my next class begins - DNA Forensics. I am very excited about that class. But I am also excited about this break - I need to go to the eye doctor and the dentist at some point this week. I want to read. I want to take long hot baths. I want to study for the MCAT, clean out my car and my backpack, and celebrate this sweet sweet break.

Yesterday I found out that I scored in the 79th percentile nationally on the American Chemical Society Organic Chemistry standardized exam. Honestly I thought I had done better than that. I don't know why Organic is so difficult for me. Inorganic was SO much easier for me. But excited to be DONE with organic. . . except for MCAT studying.

Took my calculus final yesterday and feeling really good about it. Hoping to pull out an A in calculus. I will have a B in Organic, but an A in Immunology, A in Cell Bio, and an A in Cell and Genetics Lab. I am feeling pretty darn good at the end of this semester!!

I received the book This Won't Hurt a Bit by Michelle Au yesterday. I preordered it from Amazon.com. I am really looking forward to reading this book this week! :)